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Certification Levels at a Glance

LEvel 1

  • Be familiar with the Springville City Emergency Color Code and have a convenient location to find it in an emergency. 

                 Ideas Include:

  • Taped on the inside of the door or on a wall in your coat closet.

  • In a Labeled Binder on an accessible bookcase

  • Taped to the side of your fridge. 



  • Fill out The Family Emergency Plan 


  • Decide who will pick up any kids from school. Know the policy for releasing children in an emergency. 

  • Choose a place to meet up if you cannot meet at home.

  • Fill out the family communications plan

  • Create a brief checklist of things to get/bring if you have to leave your home on short notice. This will help in the moment to remember important things to bring.  You can use or modify the Evacuation Grab and Go List). Know where to find it in an emergency. We recommend that this is kept with the Springville City Emergency Color Code.

  • Be familiar with the Disaster Emergency Checklist and know where to find it in an emergency.  We recommend it is kept with the Springville City Emergency Color Code.


  • Laminate or put in a protective sleeve the Family Emergency Plan and keep within the home near a phone or easy to remember and access location. 


  • Fill out and Laminate a condensed version or backpack Emergency Card and give a copy to each child, and place a copy in each car, and 72 hour kit. 


  • Additional resources and ideas for creating your Family Emergency Plan


  • Teach all family members of a responsible age, how to turn off all major utilities in the home (including the Water, Electricity, and Gas). Discuss various circumstances that would warrant turning off these utilities. 


  • Have a home First Aid Kit.


  • There should be two exits for each family member. 

  • If they are in the basement, be sure that family members have a way out of the window well. 

  • If they are on the second floor, be sure they have a safe way to escape from the second floor 

  • Teach family members how to remove window screens so they can  escape. 

  • Practice your escape plan with your family. Teach the 18” crawl under smoke. 

  •  Test all smoke detectors in the home. Replace batteries if necessary.

  • Have at least one fire extinguisher, preferably in the kitchen. Recommended to have one on each floor of the house as well as in each vehicle. Teach all responsible household members how to use it.


  • Have a Emergency Cash Fund (this is cash on hand– not in a bank): $50 per person/$100 per family minimum  in small bills


  • Sign up for your local Emergency Alert System. For Springville, visit:





  • Have Food Storage (1 month of food and toiletries, one week of water).

    • Prepare by thinking, “What if we had to live in our house for 1 month, without any outside assistance. What would we need besides our food and water?” 




LEvel 2


  • Have homeowners insurance, or rental insurance if available


  • Make a video of your house, and all major assets. It is extremely valuable for insurance claims 


  • Make Photocopies/digital backups of all your important documents (All insurance policies, Titles, Wills, Power of Attorneys, Securities, Home appraisal, inventory, Social Security cards, front pages of your passport, etc). Include a copy of these important documents in a water proof bag inside your 72-hour kits. 


  • Have a Safe Deposit Box or Home Safe (should be fire/water resistant) for Important Documents and Cash 


  •  Acquire at least one Two Way Radio (GMRS (General Mobile Radio Service), FRS (Family Radio Service), CB (Citizen Band), or Ham Radio) 

    • Keep it charged, and have spare batteries 

    • Know the emergency frequency (check manual to be sure) 

      • FRS Radios: Channel 1 unofficially 

      • GMRS Radios: (Channel 20 or Channel 6 for the Motorola or Icom standard respectively)

      • CB Radios: (Channel 9 for Emergencies, Channel 19 for highway use) 

      • GMRS and HAM radios have training classes and require a license.  These are easy to complete. 


  • Increase Food Storage (3 months of food and toiletries, two weeks of water) 


  • Increase Emergency Cash Fund: $100 per person/$200 per family minimum in small bills.


  • Practice preparing at least 3 meals using alternative means (i.e. dutch oven, campfire, etc.)


  • Participate in a multi-night campout using your emergency supplies


  • Exercise regularly (take into consideration age, disability, or other deficit)


  • Have a Lights out drill

    • Turn off all power in your home for 6-8 hours (at least! Try going for 24 to get a more full experience)

    • Assess what things you need if the power is out


LEvel 3

  • Complete the following Estate Documents: 

    • Family Member Information: names, blood types, DOBs, social security numbers, medical information (allergies, prescriptions, pre-existing conditions, etc) 

    • Work information for those employed 

    • Quick Reference Insurance Information (Life, Auto, Home, etc.) 

      • Policy numbers for each policy 

      • Basic coverage amounts 

      • Contact number for filing insurance claims, etc. 

    • Family Balance Sheet and Inventory (List of Family Assets/Liabilities, with Account #s, Contact Information, Serial Numbers, etc.) 

    • Last Will and Testament (for both Parents) 

    • Living Will (for both Parents) 

    • General Durable Power of Attorney (Allows someone to make financial decisions on your behalf if you are not able to – normally your spouse, unless they are unable, then it is someone else) 

    • Health Care Proxy (Allows someone to make medical decisions on your behalf if you are not able – normally your spouse, unless they are unable, then it is someone else) 

    • HIPAA Proxy (Authorizes the Disclosure of Protected Health Information to designated people: including Spouse, and normally whoever you appoint in your Health Care Proxy) 


  • Have a Financial Reserve: Three months of budgeted expenditures in a savings account 


  • Increase Food Storage (6 months of food and toiletries, 1 month of Water, and N95 Masks for family members that protect against Airborne disease, bird flu, anthrax, etc) 


  • Increase your Emergency Cash Fund: $300 per family minimum in small bills.


  •  Complete a Family Financial Review (review budget, expenditures, debt payoff, short term goals, retirement goals) 


  • Participate in a 5-7 day long camping/backpacking trip where outdoor/survival or preparedness skills are practiced



Estaca Spring Creek Sur

350 norte 400 este

Springville, Utah 84663



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