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D&C 38:30

"If ye are prepared

ye shall not fear"

Preparedness Specialists available

No events at the moment

Stake Presidency Letter

Dear Neighbors, 


Preparing for emergencies remains an important priority. Recent experiences with global pandemics, wildfires and other natural disasters stand as ready reminders of how quickly things can change and how much better off we will be if we are prepared. 


We understand that preparedness efforts can sometimes feel overwhelming, unneeded, impossible, or like something for the “extreme prepper” stereotype. As a community, we feel the urge to continue encouraging everyone to pursue at least a basic level of preparedness. There are small steps every person and family can take to help prepare for the storms that are sure to come. 


Three simple “Certification Levels” have been created and are shared in this packet as a way to help guide you in your efforts. All of the resources you need to become “certified” in Level One are included in this packet, and we invite you to take advantage of them. Spending some time now with your family, neighbors, or friends to establish meeting spots, a communication plan and learn skills will be well worth it. During a disaster is too late to make a plan, so please begin now. We encourage every member of the Spring Creek South Stake to achieve Level One certification within 6 months. We know you will be blessed for your efforts!  


Springville City has established a simple system to assist during times of disaster. Details are included in this packet, and includes: 

  • Ensure the safety of your own family

  • Putting an appropriate colored card, flag or other object in a front window to signal your status so responders can know where needs are. 

  • Check on your neighbors to you “right, left, and across the street”

  • Report needs to your Block Captain


There are resources available in the community and through church wards to help you. Please reach out to your block captain or your ward preparedness specialist for guidance and suggestions on how to prepare and what you should do during an emergency. There is a list of resources on the back of this page where you can begin, including the Stake Emergency Preparedness website:


As your stake presidency who loves and cares deeply for everyone in this community, we are committed to preparedness and invite you to join us in helping your family. We understand this will take effort and commitment but know as stated by prophets past and present “if ye are prepared ye shall not fear.” 


With love and admiration,


Don Olsen

Mark Packard

Cord Udall


Spring Creek South Stake Presidency



How Can we Help You?

Individual and family certification levels

Website and electronic resources

Talk to a neighborhood emergency preparedness specialist


Spring Creek South Stake

350 N 400 E

Springville, Ut 84663



*Disclaimer* This is not an official website of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

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